alive & meaningful
Making life together
Hello, Hola, Aloha, I'm Fiona
I'm happy you're here!
In a nutshell, here are 3 fundamental convictions that influence everything I do:
We all have physiological and psychological needs that act as the foundations for our sense of fulfillment and happiness and we want to understand them first.
Then we can see what they mean to us individually and how that affects the way we want to shape our very own life.
There will be great times and hard moments, joy and sadness, confidence and fear, inspirations and disappointments.
Life doesn't compromise on that.
But the way we think, act and react to all these moments is what makes all the difference between feeling "meh" and feeling like this is all so freaking worth living.
And the good news is: the biggest part of that is in our hands.
As Aristotle would say "You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit".
So what does your daily life look like? How does it nourish or depleat your energy?
Working on understanding who we are, what contributes to our feeling fulfilled and how to increase that sense of aliveness for ourselves and others is everything but a fluffy, nice-to-have, soft skill that adds nicely to other core skills.
It's the basis of all things.
The fertile soil from which all successes stems.
The biggest skillset you can ever develop and that will massively impact everything single you do.
The #1 investment you will never regret.
I'll guide you to apply these convictions to both your personal and professional lives, because both are intimately intertwined, and I believe that life is so much more worth it when we are fulfilled in both.
Life is more about the every day small moments repeated over and over than it is about the crazy once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
There is no magic wand, no pill to take in the morning to prevent us from living the human experience, with all that it entails.
We're all the same but we're all different.
My WHY (i.e my purpose)
To IGNITE our aliveness
so that we can all feel that
What I mean by this is that I want you to look back on your life and say "Wow. What an amazing ride. I would do it all over again."

Dig in
To work with a coach requires openness and honesty;
We become partners in reaching your growth objectives.
You choose your coach among other things (and mainly) for who they are as a person, for their energy, and for the life experience they can share.
So take a minute to discover who I am and if you feel inspired and what I can do for you...
i.e. Fiona and her multiple hats & experiences
▷ Grow your career or make a change
▷ Find your WHY, your purpose & your values
▷ Become the leader of your life and career
▷ Coach your (future) Leaders
▷ Train & develop your teams
▷ Create a solid culture & HR processes
Let's connect
Contact me for more info.
Let's hop on a free Meet & Greet call, by Zoom, to lay the foundations and confirm our mutual interest to work together...
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Find me on Instagram & Facebook @MyYellowHorizon