I recently listened again to a podcast episode I really enjoyed where Robin Sharma (author of « The Monk who sold his Ferrari », « The 5am Club » and more recently « The Wealth Money can’t buy ») shared his morning routine.
If you're looking for a journaling routing, here are questions that you might find inspiring.

1) What am I grateful for?
Gratitude has been shown over and over to have positive impact on our life.
From improving our relationships to having more hope and simply feeling better with ourselves, gratitude is always a good idea.
Note : we’re talking about real gratitude here, not a fake pretend-gratitude that takes root in shame and spiritual by-pass to avoid feeling our more difficult emotions. All emotions must be felt at one point or another (welcome to the human experience), but if you want to let one linger around for longer, I’d say gratitude is a good pick.
2) Where am I winning?
I don’t know for you, but I personally was raised to focus on continual improvement. Nothing wrong with that.
Unless looking for continuous improvement comes from a feeling of « not currently good enough », i.e. a form of shame and dissatisfaction for where I am today.
And if you’re one of the many who considers themselves a perfectionist, I’d guess that there are already plenty of things that you’re doing amazing, but you’ve been conditioned to not see them, let alone celebrate them!
So take just a moment to acknowledge what you’re doing well. Then you can go back to doing your best to become a version of yourself you’ll love even more.
3) What will I let go of?
Our lives are full of challenges and stress, but we haven’t quite learned at school how to process our experiences and emotions. They end up lingering and taking up space in our minds and bodys. Deciding what we’re ready to let go of is a first step to not let ourselves be overwhelmed by life more than necessary.
4) What does my ideal day ahead look like?
Intentionality & focus
This question helps us refocus on what's important in a world where we're so busy chasing mountains that might not be the right mountains.
Our days are filled doing what we're told to do and chasing what we've been conditioned to want.
Plus, whether you believe in manifestation, prayers and a Universe that hears your desires and helps you bring them to reality, or whether you're a hard-core atheist who can only believe in our subconscious mind driving most of our automatic behaviors, taking the time to write things down does set the tone for what you want to happen
5) What do I need to hear at the end (i.e. by people who are important to me)?
I remember reading in Susan Cain’s book « Bittersweet » that the people who were more connected to what was really meaningful to them were elderly people and people who had a life-threatening condition, i.e. people who were very aware of the finite aspect of life. Thinking about our own mortality, even if it’s far away, helps us reconnect to what really matters.
These 5 questions come from Robin Sharma, author of « The Monk who sold his Ferrari », « The 5am Club » and more recently « The Wealth Money can’t buy ».
Listen to his wonderful interview
on "Feel Better, Live More" Podcast with Dr Rangan Chatterjee (probably one of the episodes I enjoyed the more in 2024)
Short Summary here
Full interview here
Voilà, bisous.